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Jeniffer O'Quinn 先生/英語 (English teacher)

Miss Jeniffer O'Quinn先生は、アメリカのルイジアナ出身です。

Clarisse Teilette先生(フランス語) French teacher

Je m'appelle Clarisse Teillet et j'ai 27 ans et je suis originaire de l'ouest de la France. Je suis arrivée au Japon en novembre 2007 pour y découvrir la culture, le mode de vie des japonais, l'organisation de la société et ... apprendre le japonais.
Je profite de vivre au Japon pour enseigner le français et ainsi échanger avec les étudiants sur les deux cultures.
J'apprécie de pouvoir enseigner avec IHCWAY car c'est pour moi l'occasion de rencontrer des japonais motivés par l'apprentissage du français. De plus, la flexibilité du planning et de la méthode permet l'amélioration des compétences en fonction du besoin de chacun.
Pendant les cours, j'essaie de m'adapter a la demande des étudiants. J'insiste sur la prononciation et l'expression orale. Un de mes objectifs est de faire parler le plus possible les étudiants le tout dans la bonne humeur. Les devoirs mettent en pratique l'écriture et la compréhension orale. J'essaie également de varier les supports de travail et de rendre les cours ludiques.

A très bientôt !

Tom MacDowell先生(英語) English Teacher

  Hello everyone

My name is Tom McDowell and I am from London England.
I am a very easy going person who likes to meet new people and experience different cultures. This is one of the reasons why I came to Japan as the culture is so very different to England but also I have always had a keen interest in Japan so this is a very important experience for me and I feel very lucky to be here in Tokyo. When I first arrived I could not believe how polite, kind and friendly everyone was towards me and I would like to thank you all for welcoming me to your country.

My job before teaching English was as a Corporate Insurance Broker in the London Insurance Market. Insurance is a busy industry but also has a very buzzing atmosphere. I really enjoyed meeting clients and and really enjoyed being out of the office. I had my own book of clients which I dealt with on a day to day basis and enjoyed building relationships with them and also with new clients. I did enjoy the work but I am enjoying time away and teaching English which I think is very rewarding as you see students progress in their English ability, lesson after lesson.
If you want to improve your English speaking skills I will always do my best to assist you in any way possible through reading, speaking and writing, and I always try to make sure that you are happy with me as a teacher. I think it is very important that student and teacher work well together which is why IHCWAY is so good because they take the time to interview both teachers and students to ensure that they match and are compatible.

I try to make my lessons interesting and enjoyable while at the same time making sure that students are gaining useful knowledge, skill and ability. I hope that by listening to my pronunciation that you will be able to speak English at the level and ability that you aim for.

Take care and I hope you enjoy learning English.

All the best

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